“We cannot expect people to have respect for law and order until we teach respect to those we have entrusted to enforce those laws.”

― Hunter S. Thompson

Law has been defined as a body of rules of action or conduct prescribed by a controlling authority, and having binding legal force which must be obeyed and followed by citizens subject to sanctions or legal consequences.

At present, law is one of the most vigorous and perpetual growing fields. Study of law enhances the ability to analyse real life cases with logical clarity, to grip over communication skill, to deal with challengingtasks etc. Law as a career choice has relevance with every part of our day-to-day lives which gives a real feel of the profession. Unlike many other professions, law gives freedom for self-employment.

In the age of competition it is vital to have proper knowledge and the skills to implement the same.  Study of Law not only instils social and moral values but also makes good human beings and confident person with versatile personality.

Success of our students is the testament towards excellence in education. Our vision is to implant core values of discipline, punctuality and ethics which are quintessential to student’s progress and to prepare them as conscientious, competent and public spirited legal professionals suitable and responsive to contemporary challenges and the requirements of the society and well as to make use of legal education as a tool for development of responsible legal professionals, an organ of justice dissemination and also a rewarding career option for the students.

Dr. Bibhu Ranjan Patnaik   

Rourkela Law College